Test Post
Location: Nantucket
Primary Category: 4731
Secondary Category: 484210
Your Reference ID: 1000
Financial Information
- Asking: $1
- Gross: $1
- Cash Flow: $964,491
- Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment: $1 (Included in Price)
- Inventory: N/A
- Real Estate: N/A
Contact Information
- Contact: John Doe
- Phone: 508-990-9800
- Email: j.doe@nercorp.com
Authorized office equipment dealer offering sales and service is for sale.
This long-standing dealer who services small and mid-sized businesses, schools and city and town offices in Southeastern MA, Cape Cod and south of Boston. Long time accounts and contracted services represent much of the customer base.
- Facilities: Company resides in a small leased facility which is well suited to their needs.
- Opportunity / Growth:
This is a great opportunity for an existing office equipment dealer or a complimentary business to expand.
Support / Training: As needed for smooth transition.
- Reason Selling: Personal

Contact Us
Coastal M & A
700 Pleasant Street, Suite 330D
New Bedford, MA 02740