Business Insights & Advice
Coastal M & A offers professional business consulting, offering business insight and advice to our clients for over 22 years. We also provide advice on how to proceed when faced with various business decisions. Contact Coastal M & A today and start taking advantage of our business insight and advice today. We want to be your trusted business advisor.
Sales Report for Middle Markets
The third quarter of 2024 brought a wave of optimism to middle market...
Unraveling the Complex Realities of Valuations
Determining an accurate valuation for a company is far from straightforward....
What Should You Expect from Your Business Intermediary?
Eventually every business owner needs to sell or think about who will take...
BUSINESS PULSE First Quarter 2024
7 Important Questions to Ask Yourself When Selling a Business
There is no denying the fact that for most people, the decision to buy or sell...
Auto Draft
The last thing that any business owner wants is for a sale to fall through...
What You Need to Know About the Confidential Business Review
There are many different strategies that will likely be deployed during the...
How Can You Find the Ideal Buyer for Your Business?
In the day-to-day routine of running your business, it is easy to forget that...
BUSINESS PULSE Fourth Quarter 2023
Prepare for Your Exit When You Launch Your Business
You’ll often hear business brokers and M&A advisors say that the right...
Getting the Most out of a Partnership Agreement
As an entrepreneur and business owner, your partnership agreement stands as...
The Tremendous Importance of Maintaining Confidentiality When Selling Any Business
The Tremendous Importance of Maintaining Confidentiality When Selling Any...
3 Tips for Mapping out An Easy Retirement Transition
Business owners are usually too busy running their business to deal with the...
The Benefits of an Advisory Council
Experts recommend considering adding an advisory council to your business....
Cultivating Your Brand Strategy
Your brand is a customer’s perception about your business.
An Overview of Term Sheets
If you’re planning on a business agreement to buy or sell a business, you’ll...
BUSINESSPULSE Second Quarter 2023
Contact Us Coastal M & A 700 Pleasant Street, Suite 330D New Bedford, MA...
Is Your Deal Really Going to be Successful?
If you’re selling your business and things are looking positive with your buyer, you might be tempted to start resting easy.
How Can You Identify a Serious Buyer?
No one wants to waste their time and energy trying to sell their business to someone who isn’t actually planning to buy
Business Pulse Fourth Quarter -2022
Business Pulse Third Quarter -2022
How Sellers Can Boost Their Levels of Success
Many buyers view a publicly-held company as virtually being an open book with...
BusinessPulse Second Quarter – 2022
The Live Oak BusinessPulse, fielded by Barlow Research Associates.
Justifying Your EBITDA
All too often a business owner decides to sell, only to learn a number of...
The Complexities of Valuations
A lot of training and experience goes into good valuations. A variety of complex factors are involved.
No Replacement for Experience
When it comes time to sell your business and sign on the dotted line, you only have one opportunity to get it right.
An Overview of Goodwill in Business Deals
Many business owners don’t understand the concept of goodwill or how to calculate it. When a buyer is willing to pay a premium
Is Your Deal Really Done?
Once you get to the stage of your deal where you have a signed letter of intent, you may already be feeling a sense of relief that your deal is near finalization.
BUSINESSPULSE First Quarter 2022
The Live Oak BusinessPulse, fielded by Barlow Research Associates, is an...
How to Sell and Successfully Launch Your Retirement
Many business owners are emotionally attached to their businesses, and it is easy to understand why.
The Most Important Factors in Any Partnership Agreement
Every business has an array of important legal documents. The partnership agreement holds a unique and important place
3 Overlooked Areas to Consider When Buying a Business
3 Overlooked Areas to Consider When Buying a Business
Disruptive Factors in Selling Your Business
At some point, every business owner will need to think about selling his or...
Market Trends Reported in the IBBA and M&A Source Market Pulse Survey: Second Quarter 2021
Created in 2012, the IBBA and M&A Source Market Pulse Survey was created...
Important Points for Selling to a Family Member
Eventually, every business owner will have to turn over control of their...
Put Your Strengths First When Selling Your Business
You understand the finer points and potential of your business better than...
The Often-Overlooked Importance of Leases
What kinds of insights about selling a business might come from experts at...
The DealStats Value Index summarizes valuation multiples and profit margins...
The Top Ten Ways to Avoid Wrecking a Deal
Don't Fear Failure, Learn From it Instead Failure is rarely fun. But it is...
A Private Equity Firm Veteran’s Advice for Business Owners Preparing to Sell
What kinds of insights about selling a business might come from experts at...
3 Steps for Achieving Pricing Power
The simple fact is that most of us want to control our own fate. This fact is...
Getting the Most Out of Confidentiality Agreements
When it comes to buying or selling a business, there is no replacement for a...
Zeroing in on Goodwill
Goodwill is a term that might cause a little confusion for some. But at its...
Four Common Seller Mistakes
Sellers are just like everyone else in that they can make mistakes. In this...
Unraveling the Seller’s Predicament
Selling a business isn’t always 100% about the price. It is not like selling a house where
Buying a Distressed Business
It is safe to state that Howard Brownstein, President of The Brownstein Corporation, is a true expert…
How Should Your Company Deal with an Orphaned Product?
Keeping a product or service around that isn’t pulling its weight might prove…
Considering Generational Strategies
When you are buying or selling a business, you might very well end up making a...
Essential Meeting Tips for Buyers & Sellers
The buyer-seller meeting is quite often a “make or break” meeting. Your...
How to Make Remote Teams Accountable
One of the many, many changes that COVID-19 has ushered in is the extreme...
Questions for Helping Businesses Survive the COVID
Developing Your 90-Day Plan Those who want to make sure their businesses...
6 Tips and 90 Days to Protect Your Business
There can be no way around it, Inc. contributor Brian Hamilton’s April 2020...
Improving Your Telework Habits
In her recent April 20th, 2020 Forbes article, “Three Keys to Engaged,...
Don’t Fear Failure, Learn from It Instead
Failure is rarely fun. But it is also a key ingredient in success. While failure can be painful…
Great Tips for Selling Your Business
It takes preparation and focus to sell most businesses. The reality of the...
Survey Indicates Shrinking Labor Market Could Cause Business Growth Through Increased M&A Activity
According the Q3 2017 Market Pulse (source: IBBA and M&A Source), 55% of...

Contact Us
Coastal M & A
700 Pleasant Street, Suite 330D
New Bedford, MA 02740